United States


Financial planning can be an intimidating process, & different companies offer different services.

Sky Investments Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sky Investments?

Sky Investments is an independent investment company offering comprehensive financial planning and investment management services as well as strategic planning for situational events and unexpected challenges.

What industries do you specialize in?
  • Forex
  • Stocks & Commodities
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Financial Planning
How do i register?

Navigate to the Registration page.

  • Enter your information
  • Select preferred plan
  • Submit the form
  • Confirm your email
Who may open an account with Sky Investments?

Any individual 18 or over, may open an account with Sky Investments.

What information do I need when opening an account?

You have to provide us with your name, username, email address to establish your identity. Typically, we can verify your identity instantly.

Account FAQ

What deposit/withdrawal methods do you offer?

Sky Investments offers a variety of payment methods including cryptocurrencies, e-Wallets, and Bank Wire transfers. You should note that we do not accept cash deposits.

How are my funds protected?

All customer deposits are kept separate from our own operating funds and distributed across a global network of custodian accounts.

How do I withdraw funds from my account?

To withdraw funds, log into the trading platform and click “withdraw funds” and then fill and submit the form.

What are the minimum/maximum limits on withdrawals?

The minimum amount for withdrawal is $1 while there's no maximum.
